Never Stop Stopping (Lauren Theresa)

Dear Lauren,

Thank you for the opportunity to read your submission, we appreciate you trusting us with your words. Unfortunately our editors felt that the way you placed your words together wasn’t the right fit with the overall vision of how we feel words should be placed together. 

We know writing is hard, and that receiving a rejection such as this can induce a spiral of existential questioning that can result in playing early 90s music to get in touch with your inner child to cushion the concrete confirmation that you should most definitely stop writing. Based on the delightful submission we had the joy to read, we are fairly certain the thought crossed your mind to give up altogether, and we encourage you to not fall down the rabbit hole of wondering what you are doing with your life or why you decided to excavate the bizarre contents of your inner world and submit them to us. Your work has so much potential, and we are sure one day we’ll see those words live up to it in their new home!

We hope you’ll submit to us in the future. Please wait 3 solar cycles before submitting again. 


Lit Mag


Lauren Theresa (she/her) is a writer, botanical sorceress, and depth psychotherapist living outside NYC with her two daughters, husband, and myriad of plants. Her musings can be found via IG & Twitter @imlaurentheresa, and her words crawl the pages at 


image: MM Kaufman