death-dance beauty (Jason Melvin)

I’ve watched you die

for a decade or more

each spring I consider

the chainsaw in the shed

golf ball-size termite holes

wounds that look painful

but somehow     you produce

flowers       white flowers

every couple of seasons

a pear or three

that change my mind

evidence of your fight

is the humane gesture

to chop you down?

but each spring

your faint resurrection


Jason Melvin received a gimmicky T-shirt from his teenage daughter on Christmas with a picture of one large fist fist-bumping a much smaller fist.  The caption read, “Behind every smart-ass daughter is a truly asshole Dad”.  It fit. His work has recently appeared in A Thin Slice of AnxietyOlneyTerror House, Bombfire, Anti-Heroin Chic, Zero Readers, Drunk Monkeys and Sledgehammer, among others. He was nominated for a Pushcart by Outcast and Bullshit Lit.  He was named second runner up for the Heartwood Poetry Prize 2021. He can be found on Twitter @jason5melvin and on his website here


image: MM Kaufman